martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Hello classmates, I return to write on my blog, After a long time without do it.

Today I will talk about the best holidays that I ever had.
This summer I had the luck to visit to some kindred that live in Temuco.
I went to this place with one of my brothers (the other was in coyhaique, visiting uncles)
First we stayed a week on Caburga's lake. This place are so beautiful and relaxing. We didnt have phone signal so we were unplugged of the civilization jaja.
After this week we got to Temuco, where my cousins in third grade. This house was very close to downtown. We went to some bars to drink a beers and see some bands playing at live. One of the best was  The Royal Band (tribute to Queen). The guitarist was friend to my cousins being that their play together in other band.
Also I went to the Beer Festival on the Temuco Stadium. I drank so much kinds of beer, very delicious and strong. I remember that the most delicious was the Mango beer and the scottish beer.
But the most beautiful place that I visited was the countryside of my uncle-grandpha (or something like that). This place are so colossal and beauty, with animals, swimming pool, and fresh air.

I don't now what else to say so, bye guys  : )

                                        Isaias, my uncle-grandpha ( or something like that)

 The novillos

My new friend 

jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

Hi classmates
I forgot go to the last class, but I'll write the post same.

I would like travel to Asia, to countries like China, Mongolia, The Tíbet and other places who now don`t remember. I think that this places are very beautiful, rich on culture, art, architecture, and many other things.
I don`t know so much about this places, only that I see on documentaries on tv and internet. Also I did read articles on magazines about this countries.
I have a documentary make by Ron Fricke (Samsara) when he show many images from this lands, but without sound, I mean, have sound (ambiental sounds and music) but nobody talk, nobody says a word. It`s beautiful, one of the most amazing films that I see.

I like visit this places, for a long time. But I don`t know if I want to live there.
Only I know that I pick with me my camera. I`ll take many photographies.
So this is all for today, I'll write more the next class

                                               Image take from Samsara, by Ron Fricke