jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

Hi classmates
I forgot go to the last class, but I'll write the post same.

I would like travel to Asia, to countries like China, Mongolia, The Tíbet and other places who now don`t remember. I think that this places are very beautiful, rich on culture, art, architecture, and many other things.
I don`t know so much about this places, only that I see on documentaries on tv and internet. Also I did read articles on magazines about this countries.
I have a documentary make by Ron Fricke (Samsara) when he show many images from this lands, but without sound, I mean, have sound (ambiental sounds and music) but nobody talk, nobody says a word. It`s beautiful, one of the most amazing films that I see.

I like visit this places, for a long time. But I don`t know if I want to live there.
Only I know that I pick with me my camera. I`ll take many photographies.
So this is all for today, I'll write more the next class

                                               Image take from Samsara, by Ron Fricke

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