martes, 25 de agosto de 2015


One of my favourite songs is The great gig on the sky, by Pink Floyd. I must admit that it gave me the time to listen to the iconic disc of Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon recently. About 2 years but less. But I have heard more mature musically and made me appreciate more the time, which was wonderful.

In this album is more or less in half a song, the great gig on the sky. After Time ending starts very united way a melody on piano, quite soft but powerful. This is the prelude to the most beautiful vocal improvisation that I have heard. The song is from another planet, everything fits perfectly and listen to me goose bumps.
No song has made me to produce what I felt when I heard for the first, second, third time.

Surely this framework moment my life musically. That song is a masterpiece worthy of being heard by every human being on this planet

A movie that I love and a movie that I hate

First I will write about movie that I love. This is Mulholland Drive by David Lynch on 2001.
This film talk about a story of a girl that she go to Hollywood to try luck in the world of cinema.When she arrive to the place where she will live, found a girl in this house who had suffered an accident and did not remember his name or what has happened. The protagonist helps her to find out what has happened and as the film progresses gradually becomes confusing. There comes a time when the movie becomes a radical turn, where reality is altered and nothing is as did show above. That's what I like about this movie, one tries to understand what happens but is too hard. It is a jolt to the brain haha.

Going to a movie that I hate could say that is fast and furious, from the second half onwards. Well, the first is good, it holds its own. But the rest is meaningless to extend the film (for me) 8 parts of a movie that deals with cars and scantily clad girls is not justified. Some friends invited me to the movies to see them but I said it would not pay to go see that crap. I prefer to stay at home watching the simpsons

martes, 18 de agosto de 2015


Well, this semester was a lost of time for me. When I say this I not refer to the missed classes for the strike, if not because I be stayed freeze in my workshops. I don't knew what do. What line of working follow. What kind of work show to the workshop
So, when the strike was come this helped to get worst my work.
although this semester had very good things. For example I could visit to my grandma and my uncles that they live in Coyhaique.

The bad things was the missed classes on this semester. Could be stayed on strike but not for many time, if not a 2 or 3 weeks, maximum.
I wish that this semester will be good, without strikes and I want work in a lot of projects in my workshop and other jobs, out of the school.

At least we don´t missed so many classes like USACH. This guys take three months on strike. My
brother study in this place and always I asking he when we will back to classes. He only laugh or sometimes he sayed me shut up.
So this is my reflections of this semester. Was a placer writhe in this blog.


martes, 11 de agosto de 2015


Well, this day was the most beautiful/exiting/important in my life. The day when I get my PHone.
All my life I was dreaming with have one but my family was very poor, we dont had money to eat and buy clothes. Any way, I had fantasies with this day, opening these magical box how had inside the resolution of all my problems.

This day become at 16th march of 1999, when I was 5 years old, just on my birthday.
I remember that when I opened the box I started to cry. My parents saw me and they dont knew what the hells is happening. They was think that I don't liked me, but the reality was totally different.
I played so much games, like Dino Crisis, Resident Evil Survivor, Bloody Roar II, Tekken 3, Driver, Tony Hawks pro skater 3, among others.

My brothers hated me because I played alone, and when they ask me if we can play with me the answer was always the same: NO

Today I continue playing with my psone, all days, before to come to university, to get home and all weekend.

                                                 ***Here a pic to my precious***

martes, 4 de agosto de 2015


Well the truth is I don`t be too close with this concept of recycling. To be more exactly I hate the recycling. I think that the "green" persons are a fools. In this days is waste of time be a hippie, organizing the trash in plastic, glass, organic and stupid things like that.
I don't recycle. But my dad insist in don't throw the plastic bottles in trash, if not that he saves and fills with plastic bags to convert this bottles in "organic bricks" to build ecologic houses...
Pure waste of time, the f*****g hippies they washed her brain.
I don't care about the environment, I care about the things more important to me like make money and make more money.
I smoke cigarettes, joints, I drive a no catalytic car, and I meet with my friends all weekends to make barbecues; so is very clever that I don`t make so much to prevent the pollution. Nobody cares

Here smoking cigarettes