martes, 18 de agosto de 2015


Well, this semester was a lost of time for me. When I say this I not refer to the missed classes for the strike, if not because I be stayed freeze in my workshops. I don't knew what do. What line of working follow. What kind of work show to the workshop
So, when the strike was come this helped to get worst my work.
although this semester had very good things. For example I could visit to my grandma and my uncles that they live in Coyhaique.

The bad things was the missed classes on this semester. Could be stayed on strike but not for many time, if not a 2 or 3 weeks, maximum.
I wish that this semester will be good, without strikes and I want work in a lot of projects in my workshop and other jobs, out of the school.

At least we don´t missed so many classes like USACH. This guys take three months on strike. My
brother study in this place and always I asking he when we will back to classes. He only laugh or sometimes he sayed me shut up.
So this is my reflections of this semester. Was a placer writhe in this blog.


3 comentarios:

  1. good night Pablou, my brother are studing in USACH, is a great university to get wasted

  2. I want to travel Coyhaique too! I can visit you grandma? jijjijiijij

  3. Well, at least you wrote on this blog. That's something.

