martes, 4 de agosto de 2015


Well the truth is I don`t be too close with this concept of recycling. To be more exactly I hate the recycling. I think that the "green" persons are a fools. In this days is waste of time be a hippie, organizing the trash in plastic, glass, organic and stupid things like that.
I don't recycle. But my dad insist in don't throw the plastic bottles in trash, if not that he saves and fills with plastic bags to convert this bottles in "organic bricks" to build ecologic houses...
Pure waste of time, the f*****g hippies they washed her brain.
I don't care about the environment, I care about the things more important to me like make money and make more money.
I smoke cigarettes, joints, I drive a no catalytic car, and I meet with my friends all weekends to make barbecues; so is very clever that I don`t make so much to prevent the pollution. Nobody cares

Here smoking cigarettes 

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