martes, 11 de agosto de 2015


Well, this day was the most beautiful/exiting/important in my life. The day when I get my PHone.
All my life I was dreaming with have one but my family was very poor, we dont had money to eat and buy clothes. Any way, I had fantasies with this day, opening these magical box how had inside the resolution of all my problems.

This day become at 16th march of 1999, when I was 5 years old, just on my birthday.
I remember that when I opened the box I started to cry. My parents saw me and they dont knew what the hells is happening. They was think that I don't liked me, but the reality was totally different.
I played so much games, like Dino Crisis, Resident Evil Survivor, Bloody Roar II, Tekken 3, Driver, Tony Hawks pro skater 3, among others.

My brothers hated me because I played alone, and when they ask me if we can play with me the answer was always the same: NO

Today I continue playing with my psone, all days, before to come to university, to get home and all weekend.

                                                 ***Here a pic to my precious***

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